Houseplants...either they thrive, or they die... If you are one of those people that seems to kill every plant you bring home, then this blog post is for you! Before you give up on that green (or not so green) thumb, check out some of the easy-to-care-for houseplants below. Known for their ability to tolerate a variety of conditions and even a little neglect, you may just find that one of these will be the answer to your houseplant dreams!
Pothos Vine:

Pothos are considered one of the easiest houseplants to grow and maintain. Described by
The Spruce as "a trailing vine, native to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, boasts pointed, heart-shaped green leaves that are sometimes variegated with white, yellow, or pale green striations..." it doesn't take much to keep these plants alive. A factor that makes them easy houseplants is that while they enjoy bright, indirect sunlight, they can also thrive in low light conditions - so don't fret if your home doesn't have a ton of areas with bright natural light! If you are wondering how you will know to water this plant, all you have to do is feel the soil. These plants like their soil to dry out completely between watering sessions. If the soil is dry, give it a drink! If it still feels moist, hold off and check on it at a later time. The soil of a Pothos needs to be well-drained and can be fertilized every other month or so.
One thing to note is that Pothos are toxic to pets, so if you have a pet you want to make sure it is located in an area where a pet cannot reach or ingest the plant, or you may want to opt for another plant altogether.
Snake Plant:
Also known as Sansevieria, Snake Plants are drought tolerant and only need to be watered occasionally. If the fact that you own a Snake Plant happens to slip your mind, the plant will probably survive, thrive and forgive you for the lapse in care. These plants are super tolerant and can survive periods of neglect. These plants will tolerate MOST levels of light, but try to prevent putting them anywhere that is considered "dark Shade". If possible, put them in an area that will receive bright light for a few hours a day. According to
NASA's Clean Air Study, Snake Plants are one of the best plants when it comes to cleaning the air, which makes them great for indoors - especially in a bedroom or home office.
Spider Plant:
Also known for its air-cleaning qualities, the Spider Plant is another popular houseplant that is easy to care for and maintain, regardless of the color of your thumb. According to
Bloomscape, this plant will thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. Don't be discouraged if your home only has low light conditions - while not ideal, the Spider Plant will still grow and tolerate low light. These plants love their water but do prefer to be given some time to dry out between waterings. A common issue that plant parents come across when caring for a Spider Plant is the development of brown tips. Bloomscape explains that this could be caused by chemicals found in the water, but can be corrected by letting water sit overnight, or using water that has been filtered. Use a fertilizer during the spring and summer growing months.
Succulents & Cacti:
Succulents and Cacti are similar in nature, as well as pretty simple to care for, but definitely need a lot of sunshine, these plants LOVE the warm and dry atmosphere provided by the sun. As with most of the easy-to-care-for houseplants, you want to let these dry out in between watering sessions. While you might be quick to grab the potting soil you have on hand, Succulents and Cacti need a light and airy well-draining soil. Cactus soil can be found almost anywhere plants are sold.
Click here to visit the City and Garden website to learn more about the benefits of the cactus soil and why it can also be used interchangeably for your succulent babies as well.
Lucky Bamboo:
Thought to bring good energy and fortune to those who own it, the Lucky Bamboo will tolerate low levels of light, but really prefer bright sun. These plants are unique in the sense that rather than soil (which you can still use), you will often see them placed in pebbles or vases of water. These plants will thrive in this condition, as long as there is always at least an inch of standing water provided at the root at all times. These plants can be sensitive to certain chemicals so it is best to water them with distilled water or water that has been left out for a day or two.